Immediate Vs Delayed Outcomes

Often we judge the success of an activity by its outcome. We run a sprint, we know at the end who has won. We write an exam, results in few hours/weeks tell us how we did. When outcome is immediate, cause and effect relationship is easy to understand.

However, this outcome based evaluation can mislead if the outcome occurs, not immediately, but over long periods of time. More so, if immediate outcomes are different from long term outcomes. Consider healthy eating. Giving away junk food for healthier alternatives look painful today but is beneficial in longer run. Or consider working out. Going to the gym looks a chore in near term but immensely beneficial eventually. Conversely, smoking or gambling may feel great in the near term but are harmful over longer term.

For such activities with longer term outcomes, a judgement based solely on immediate outcomes – healthy eating or workouts are undesirable, smoking or gambling are desirable – will be wrong.

Investing is more like the latter set of activities. There is an element of luck in the near term which can lead to false positives – great returns despite buying wrong things; or false negatives – poor near term returns despite correct process.

If the immediate outcome of an activity is poor, how do we know for sure that we need to stop or continue that activity? We need to look at historical evidence of longer term effects. And we need to ask whether it makes sense in longer term.

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Buy High. Sell Low. Repeat. Go Broke

Nothing is as financially ruinous as consistently buying high and selling low. Yet we see it happening all the time. Ignorance, emotions, and miss-selling interact with each other to powerfully induce this folly.

Without a sense of a company’s worth, it is impossible to judge whether its share price is high or low. Assessing that worth requires understanding of underlying business and many investors donot have time, interest or ability to do it. Price trend is generally used as a substitute for this ignorance about intrinsic value. Companies seeing price rising are considered as good and vice versa. When more people believe in this momentum, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Ignorance encourages buying assets that are rising.

Nothing intoxicates human mind as rising prices. Rising prices trigger emotions of envy, FOMO (fear of missing out) and greed. Those sitting on side-lines get interested. And those making money feel invincible and take more risks even on leverage.

Times of rising markets is business-season for many “experts” – distributors, advisers, brokers, merchant bankers etc. Sadly, financial incentives of almost all “experts” are linked to selling financial products – stocks, mutual funds, IPOs, insurance policies – and not good outcomes for investors. This leads to miss-selling. Mutual funds, life insurers and capital raising companies paid over INR 37,000cr (rough conservative estimate) worth of commissions in 2021 to these “experts”. This was paid without any linkage to the buyers’ returns from the financial products sold.

When willingness to buy during rising prices is met by advice that pays the advisor for selling expensive products, it creates a powerful force to buy high.

The same story reverses when prices fall. In absence of sense of intrinsic value most investors fail to assess whether paper losses are temporary or permanent. Momentum and emotions trigger a rush for the door. And those “experts” who peddled the products during rising prices either disappear or are not heard.

Here’s a crude antidote to this: When past returns of an asset class are high, ignore all temptations and “expert advice” of even higher returns. Conversely, when past returns of an asset class are low or even negative, ignore anything that stops you from investing. Lastly, when taking help from “experts”, see that they are remunerated for results, not selling products. When you get a call from a life insurance agent, just hang up!

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Test match Vs T20 match

10 Overs, 40 runs, 0 wickets. How’s this for a first innings cricket match score? You will rightly ask – What’s the format of this game? It’s a bad score for a twenty-twenty (T20) match, average score for a one day (ODI) match and a decent score for a test match. And if it’s indeed a test match with bouncy pitch, overcast conditions and the best bowling unit in the world – you will say it’s a fantastic score.

In cricket and in investing, it’s impossible and, even, unfair to judge a score without knowing what format of the game it is. What’s good for T20 may be bad for test matches. What’s good for momentum trading may be bad for long term investing.

We are playing a test match and not a T20. The key to success – both in test match batting and long term investing – is to leave or defend the balls that are risky. And, hit only when the ball is in the sweet zone.

This investing sweet zone for us is buying sustainable businesses, run by able and honest management, at reasonable prices. And so long the ball is not in this zone – either the business and/or management and/or price are bad, we wait, and wait and wait. For that juicy half volley or full toss right in our zone. They normally come.

T20s are more popular than test matches. Similarly, short term investment horizon and momentum based trading are more common than long term horizon and value oriented investing. Popular attention is focussed on what’s going to happen next day, week or month in markets. This should not let us forget that we are playing a different game

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Envy, FOMO and Greed

It’s agonisingly difficult to stay on sidelines as stock prices rally. Every day’s rise, calculable from daily prices, reminds of returns forgone. And, if friends, family and neighbours are gloating about it on social media, the chance of staying cautious amidst rising prices is close to nil.

Envy and fear of missing out (FOMO) are evolutionary emotions that supported survival of human beings. It propelled our hunter forefathers into action and ensured that they were not staying behind in the survival queue.  So is greed. There were survival benefits in over eating or storing excess food or accumulating things beyond immediate need. We inherited these emotions as their legacy.

Envy and FOMO pushes those staying on sidelines to participate in a rising market, often at the top. And greed pushes those who are making money to continue chasing rising prices often on leverage (trade on borrowed money/ margin). This fuels feel good emotions and a feedback loop. Sadly, financial history shows that what cannot go on forever, will stop someday. While good for survival; envy, FOMO and greed are hazardous during investing.

You will be attracted to narratives about how things are different these times and time to make money is now. The origins of these narratives are often from those who get their payday selling part or full of assets/ companies. When someone comes to you with a deal, check how is he/she getting remunerated.

Most of the times, most of the prices donot go in one direction. What’s wise at one price, is foolish at another. Plan of buying assets in hope of passing it on to a greater fool can backfire when supply of greater fools run out and one ends up holding the can.

The only antidote against succumbing to envy, FOMO and greed in investing is a sense of intrinsic value and discipline to wait if prices donot leave a sufficient margin of safety against bad luck or error. Both of these – sense of intrinsic value and discipline – come from an understanding of underlying assets/ businesses. Avoid poor businesses &/or poor managements &/or poor prices. And one can avoid many mistakes.

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Volatility and Bargains (reminder during bear markets)

The key to discovering bargains is an understanding of value/ worth of a business. Prices often over or undershoot conservatively assessed value for various reasons. Future uncertainty and over reaction to continuing developments is one of the sources of this volatility.

Since the launch of the BSE Sensex in 1986, India has witnessed five events of seismic proportions – the 1991 Economic Liberalisation, the 1997-98 Asian Crisis, the 2000 dot-com bubble, the 2008 sub-prime crisis and the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic. Market movements during each of those times were characterised by very high volatility – rising and falling over 50% in short term. Even after these upheavals the Sensex has compounded by 16%  annually (including dividends) in the last 32 years.

One key factor in climbing these walls of worries has been human tendency to fight, survive, adapt and prosper. The need to keep improving one’s life conditions amidst all hardships will always exist – more so in India today as it stands at under 2500$ per capita GDP. So long India remains a democratic nation and a free market economy, good businesses that can cater to the demand of a prospering India profitably will prosper.  All we have to do is buy sensibly without overpaying. Volatile periods will be an opportunity to do just that.

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Humility & Conviction

Psychology plays an important role in investing. A crucial component of investment psychology is the delicate balance between humility and conviction. In investing, we deal with future. Assessment of future outcomes and their probabilities requires humility – acknowledgment of the fact that we may not know everything and what we know may turn out to be wrong.  Just humility will, however, lead to nowhere. Even after factoring in the possibilities of being ignorant and wrong, if Mr. Market provides an opportunity, we got to be ready to act with conviction.

The importance of this delicate balance between humility and conviction should shape one’s investment behavior.

Humility translates into various aspects of investment process namely – conservative assessment of value, investing with a margin of safety, diversifying, willingness to hold cash and sit tight when opportunities abate. To gain conviction, one needs to understand the underlying business, have a long term orientation and bet strongly when odds are in favour.

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Overcoming Fear

If there is one thing that can get in the way of our shared path of wealth creation, it is fear. And if there is one thing that will collectively make us better investors, it is overcoming fear. It is during the darkest hour of fear that greatest bargains are found. And during those times our greatest mistake would be selling instead of buying or holding.

The main cause of fear is that normally when stocks are falling, everything else is falling too including cash and confidence. There are no landmarks or shady trees to take shelter under. Investors would take out money from stocks to meet other expenses/ liabilities. We cannot be fearless just by deciding not to be fearful. We need antidote that works.

The only antidote to fear from price fall is to PREPARE FOR BAD TIMES; to arrange our affairs in such a manner that we are not hard pressed for cash during recessions. 

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Difficulties of Being in a Bull Market


“I don’t predict future. I understand human nature”

-Lord Krishna to Arjun in The Mahabharata

Thanks to our genetic wiring; envy, greed and fear (of losing out) are three primary human emotions every bull market stimulates. We acknowledge usefulness of these human emotions. Emotions including envy, greed and fear have been instrumental in human survival and superiority over other species since life’s origin. Being envious forced us to compete and improve. Being greedy made us accumulate and overcome scarcity. And, being fearful triggered the fight/ flight responses necessary for survival. These emotions therefore, with generations, are so etched into human consciousness that they operate automatically and indiscretionally, including, in a bull market. Unfortunately, going by financial markets’ history, these emotions when drive actions, lead to bubbles and crashes.

Focus, however, has to be on business value all the time; especially during bullish times. During bullish phases, envy, fear of losing out and greed sets in. Prices get higher and opportunities reduce. By not chasing momentum, a careful investor is bound to see temporary and reversible periods of underperformance. Being patient is never easy, especially if your neighbour is getting richer in a bull market. But this is exactly what one needs to try to do! This approach is better than chasing hot stocks and burning fingers in next correction. A thoughtful investment approach focuses at least as much on risk as on return. Whenever it has been easy to make money in equity markets, it has been even easier to lose it. Earning 16% for 10 years each will leave one with more money than earning 20% in 9 years each and losing 15% in the 10th.

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Letter to Investors – Jun’24 – Extracts



    • Trailing twelve months’ earnings of underlying portfolio companies grew by 46%.
    • NAV grew by 8.9% YTD with 78% funds invested in equity positions. Balance 22% is parked in liquid/ arbitrage funds.
    • Solving dilemma of investing in a one-way rising market.
    • We added further to an existing position to make it a major position (>=5% weight).
    • Lessons from manias and panics of last 400 years.
    • Stance: Cautious

Dear Fellow Investors,

Broader markets remain expensive

Markets continue their one way up-march and valuations in most of the pockets remain stretched. We look at two valuation ratios – price to sales and price to book – to show the extent of over-valuation. Price to sales indicates the ratio of market capitalisation of a company to its net sales. Price to book ratio compares the market capitalisation of the company to its net worth (or book value).

We are choosing these two ratios over the popular price to earnings (P/E) ratio because the denominator of P/E – earnings – can be influenced by cycles or extraordinary/ non-operating items and can be misleading. For eg., earnings of Banks, Oil and Gas companies and Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) are at cyclical high today and their P/E look low. Sales and book values, instead, are more stable and can capture the extent of over/ under valuation better.

Price to Sales: Over 100 of the top 750 companies currently trade at price to sales of over 10x (versus an average of 25 companies in last 20 years) and over 220 companies trade at price to sales of over 5x (versus an average of 85 in last 20 years). Median price to sales ratio of top 750 companies is at 3.5x versus 20-year average of 1.1x.


Price to book: Price to book ratio shows the stark over-valuation in small and mid-size companies. Nifty Midcap 100 and Nifty Smallcap 100 indices trade at 5x and 4.4x price to book ratios, higher by 100% and 153% over their decadal median. Nifty Midcap index is near its past peak of 2008. For the smallcap index, the P/B is twice of 2018 level. 2018 saw the previous smallcap bubble from where the index fell 20% in following 6 months.


…But we don’t know what will pause/ reverse the rally…

In 1996 when the NASDAQ was at 1300, Alan Greenspan (the US Federal Reserve Board chairman), said that the U.S. stock market was irrationally exuberant. NASDAQ kept going up for next 4 years to 5000 (>4x). And then crashed 80%.

Alan Greenspan was not wrong. Just early. Markets can remain irrational for longer than one can remain prudent.

Like every time before, it is difficult to predict the nature and timing of events that can trigger market meltdown today especially in India. The political, macroeconomic and microeconomic situation in India remains robust. Retail investors have balanced the volatility caused by foreign flows.  However, we should not forget that inability to imagine the trigger doesnot mean we can avoid one. When valuations are high, margin of safety low, and the world interlinked to the extent as it is today, smallest adverse events can cause default, credit contraction, foreign exchange fluctuation, war or pandemic. In fact, these have been the triggers for past crashes.

So, what do we do….

How do we solve for this dilemma? We continue to stick to reasonably priced quality companies. In most bubbles including current one, there remain some pockets that are of good quality and are not as exuberant. We have been adding weights there (shared in this and past letters). Once our target weights are allocated to these positions, we park the balance in liquid/ arbitrage funds. On selling side, we will tolerate moderate overvaluations. We will trim gradually if overvaluation is very high.

This strategy, like every other strategy, is not full proof. If the markets were to crash tomorrow, our stocks will fall too. We have, with great care and discipline, built a quality portfolio which is reasonably priced. It is our belief, and history is a testament that such quality portfolio built at reasonable price will be first to recover. Moreover, our high spare cash will be useful in buying further. And if there is no crash, our incremental deployment will slow down due to lack of opportunities, cash reserves will build up, existing positions will continue to benefit and we may trim super expensive positions. STANCE: Cautious.




A1. Statutory PMS Performance Disclosure

Portfolio YTD FY25 FY24 FY23  FY22 FY 21  FY 20* Since Inception* Outper-formance Cash Bal.
CED Long Term Focused Value (PMS) 8.9% 29.2% -4.3% 14.9% 48.5% -9.5% 16.0% 22.0%
S&P BSE 500 TRI (includes dividends) NA^ 40.2% -0.9% 22.3% 78.6% -23.4% NA^ NA^ NIL
*From Jul 24, 2019; Since inception performance is annualised; Note: As required by SEBI, the returns are calculated on time weighted average (NAV) basis. The returns are NET OF ALL EXPENSES AND FEES. The returns pertain to ENTIRE portfolio of our one and only strategy. Individual investor returns may vary from above owing to different investment dates. Annual returns are audited but not verified by SEBI. W.e.f. April 01, 2023 SEBI requires use of any one from Nifty50, BSE500 or MSEI SX40 as a benchmark. We have chosen BSE500 as our benchmark as it best captures our multi-cap stance. ^BSE has stopped sharing index values for time being.


Persisting with the discipline

We continue to focus on risk with a complete blind eye to quarterly returns in today’s heady times. This involves double checking our thesis every day, saying no to poor quality or expensive ideas and investing in acceptable positions gradually and fearfully.

Such has been the velocity of the markets currently that stocks that we have rejected due to subpar quality and/ or high price continue to rise relentlessly. The immediate emotional reaction, naturally, is of missing out. However, thanks to our direct and vicarious experiences, we have learnt to ignore these first impulses that the market like current one triggers. 


A2. Underlying business performance


Past Twelve Months Earnings per unit (EPU)2 FY 2024 EPU (expected)
Mar 2024 8.61 8.5-9.53
(guidance was –>) (7.5-8.5)  
Dec 2023 (Previous Quarter) 8.0
Mar 2023 (Previous Year) 5.9
Annual Change 45.8%
CAGR since inception (Jun 2019) 15%
1 Last four quarters ending Dec 2023. Results of Mar quarter are declared by May only. 2 EPU = Total normalised earnings accruing to the aggregate portfolio divided by units outstanding. 3 Please note: the forward earnings per unit (EPU) are conservative estimates of our expectation of future earnings of underlying companies. In past we have been wrong – often by wide margin – in our estimates and there is a risk that we are wrong about the forward EPU reported to you above. 


Trailing Earnings: We had revised the Earnings Per Unit guidance for FY24 to Rs 7.5-8.5 last quarter. That was due to sale of two positions where earnings were at cyclical high. Actual trailing earnings per share for FY24 came in at Rs 8.6, marginally above the upper range of the guidance. Trailing twelve months Earnings Per Unit (EPU) of underlying companies, grew by 46% (including effects of cash equivalents that earn ~6%). 

1-Yr Forward Earnings: We introduce FY25 forward earnings per unit guidance at Rs 8.5-9.5.


A3. Underlying portfolio parameters


Jun 2024 Trailing P/E Forward P/E Portfolio RoIC Portfolio Turnover1
CED LTFV (PMS) 24.5x 22.0x-24.5x 34.0%3 Nil
BSE 500 26.2x2 15.5%2
1 ‘sale of equity shares’ divided by ‘average portfolio value’ during the year to date period. 2Source: BSE. 3Portfolio Return on Invested Capital (RoIC) is on core equity positions. For BSE we share the RoE (Return on Equity)




We continue to hold the arbitrage position in equity and preference shares of Music Broadcast (Radio City). The position remains in the money currently. There were no mistakes to report in this period.



Bought: We added to an existing position . It is now a 5% position (major position). 


Sold: We did not sell anything in the reporting period.



500x leverage in Weekly Options

India has seen sharp surge in derivatives volumes in last few years. India’s derivatives volumes accounted for over 80% of global derivatives volumes in April 2024. Last quarter, the average daily notional options volume of Nifty 50 contract in India (at 1.64trn$/ day) crossed that of US S&P 500 contract (1.44trn$/day). In fact, derivatives volumes are 400x of equity cash volumes in India, an all-time high both in India and the world.

The main contributor for this surge is weekly expiring options, also known as, zero-day options.

Option premium usually falls as time to maturity falls. Therefore zero-day option – that expires on the same day as bought – costs roughly one tenth of a traditional monthly-expiry options. One Nifty-50 zero-day option allows a buyer to have an exposure worth Rs 5 lacs by paying an option premium of just Rs 1,000 – a 500x leverage.

A 500x leverage magnifies gains and losses by 500 times. A 1% change in Nifty 50 can turn Rs 1000 into Rs 6000.  Conversely even a 0.2% fall in Nifty-50 can wipe out the premium. Surprisingly, this leverage which has grown manifold remains uncaptured in periodic debt statistics – money supply, gross advances, debt to GDP etc.

For newer traders that have seen rising prices and low volatility, weekly options have been the goose that lays golden eggs. But in reality, these speculative instruments are more like collecting pennies on a busy highway, or living in a rent-free home in a high-seismic zone. Once the prices start falling, most of the retail traders will incur capital losses. 


 Taking Temperature

We use some qualitative indicator to take the temperature of markets and get hints of where are we in the cycle.

Retail and HNI investors continue to chase past performance. Capital market flows remain extremely buoyant as evident from multiple data points:

  • In last twelve months, of the INR 2.3 trn that flew into equity mutual funds (MF), over 50% went into smallcap, midcap and thematic funds which were already very expense. A sizable part of these MF inflows came from new fund offers (NFOs). NFOs are launched when the theme has already done well. No surprise that around 60% of NFOs have underperformed their benchmarks in last 3 years.
  • IPO pipeline (Hyundai, OLA Electric, Bajaj Housing etc.) is indicating 2024 will again record near all-time high collections.
  • SME IPOs continue to break records in terms of number of issues, extent of oversubscription, amount raised and listing pops. Versus Rs. 4900cr in CY2023, SME IPOs have already raised Rs. 3600cr in first half of CY2024. Also, the SME IPO index is up 250% in last 12 months! Most of the underlying companies have ordinary businesses and unknown corporate governance history.
  • Promoters and insiders continue to offload their stakes and cash out at loft vallations. Over 440 promoters have sold stakes worth Rs 62,000 cr in the first half of CY2024, highest since 2019.


Another interesting data point to look at is Skyscraper construction. The underlying theory is that many of the iconic skyscrapers of past have coincided with top of financial cycle. The Empire State Building in New York City was started in 1929. The Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur were started in 1993. The Jailing Tower in Shanghai was started in 1995. Burj Khalifa was finished at the height of the market collapse in Dubai. In India, Imperial I &II (840ft each), the then tallest buildings, were built in Mumbai in 2010. Over 30 skyscrapers (600ft+ height) have been completed in last 3 years in Mumbai. Construction of even taller buildings (Ocean Power 1&2 1086ft, Aaradhya Avaan, 1000ft high) are underway right now.



Manias and Panics – Lessons from last 400 years


“I can calculate the movement of stars, but not the madness of men.”

Sir Issac Newton (after losing money in the South Sea Bubble, 1720)


Financial bubbles and crashes have been a frequent occurrence throughout the recorded world history. Almost all have led to bankruptcies, job losses, and financial distress.  If meltdown of bubbles is so painful, why can’t we stop them? Won’t it be better if prices remain etched to the financial worth of underlying securities/ assets, and owners earned the natural yields of those assets?

We scanned over 10 episodes of bubbles and crashes of last 400 years – including Tulip Mania of 1636, the Great Depression of 1929, the Dot Com bubble of 1999, the Sub-prime crisis of 2008 etc – to try and understand the causes of bubbles and crashes. The objective was to pull out/ revise lessons that today’s enthusiastic investors can learn from and avoid similar mental and financial toil.

Initial Rational Source: In almost all the bubbles of last 400 years, one or more of the following were the initial source(s) of economic exuberance:

SN Initial Rational Sources Examples
1 Inventions/ Productivity growth o    US 1920s (railways, radio, automobiles),

o    US Tech Bubble 1990s (internet)

2 Expansion of credit, excessive leverage, easy money, low interest rates o    Japanese Real Estate 1980s,

o    US Subprime Crisis 2000s,

o    Global Venture Capital boom 2015-2022

3 Globalisation, exports, cheap currency o    Japanese Real Estate 1980s,

o    South East Asia 1990s,

o    China 2000s

4 Economic Reforms/ Liberalisation o    Mexico 1980s,

o    US abandoning the Gold Standard 1970s,

o    India Harshad Mehta episode 1990s

5 Monopolies o    South Sea Bubble 1720,

o    Mississippi Bubble 1720


Most of the above measures were taken in pursuit of progress and economic well-being. And most of these measures were justified reasons for imagining a brighter future. They did improve lives and general wealth.

Wealth Effect: Anticipation of higher demand and growth due to above initial events leads to rise in asset prices. Banks get comfortable lending funds against security of these inflating assets. Raising money through equities become cheaper. Easy availability of both debt and equity capital at low cost of capital encourages capital investments and job creation. This raises incomes and thereafter consumption. The wealth effect thus feeds itself. 

Greater Fool Theory: What turns initial optimism into euphoria and bubble is the over estimation of brighter future, animal spirits and emotional outburst of greed, envy and fear of missing out (FOMO). Wealth effect leads to general sense of prosperity. It triggers envy and FOMO among sideliners. Prices start to detach from underlying reality. People buy in the hope that others may buy from them at even higher price – the Greater Fool Theory. Indian smallcaps, midcaps and a few sectors seem to be going through this stage currently.

Timing the top: Sadly, sooner or later the supply of greater fools run out. Some external event happens that makes prices to first stop rising and then start falling. Those not able to service debt or expenses are forced to liquidate falling assets. Gradually greed turns to fear and wisdom of crowds turns into stampede of folly. If we try to pick clues about being able to time the peaks, we will return disappointed. For, there is no upper range of time in months when a bubble pops. However, sooner or later, it does pop. Following have been one or more common crash triggers/ escalators of the past:

SN Crash Triggers/ Escalators Examples
1 Frauds or Swindles o    Enron/ Worldcom During US Tech Bubble 1990s,

o    Satyam, India 2008

2 Default or Bankruptcies o    US Maring Debt 1920s,

o    South East Asian Crisis 1997,

o    Lehman Brothers 2008,

o    IL&FS default 2018

3 Contraction of credit or money supply o    Japanese Real Estate 1980s,

o    US Tech Bubble 1990s

4 Geo-Politics, Terrorism, War o    Yom Kippur War and Oil Crisis 1973,

o    9/11 Attack 2001

5 Natural Calamities including Pandemics o    Spanish Flu, 1918,

o    Covid -19, 2020


 Saviour: Primary protection against emotional follies of envy, greed, fear of missing out and overconfidence in an overheated market is to remember what Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffett said about bubbles and human nature –

“The investor’s chief problem, and even his worst enemy, is likely to be himself”

“Be fearful when others are greedy”


As always, gratitude for your trust and patience. Kindly do share your thoughts, if any. Your feedback helps us improve our services to you!


Kind regards,

Team Compound Everyday Capital

Sumit Sarda, Surbhi Kabra Sarda, Punit Patni, Arpit Parmar, Sanjana Sukhtankar and Anand Parashar


Disclaimer: Compound Everyday Capital Management LLP is SEBI registered Portfolio Manager with registration number INP 000006633. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. All information provided herein is for informational purposes only and should not be deemed as a recommendation to buy or sell securities. This transmission is confidential and may not be redistributed without the express written consent of Compound Everyday Capital Management LLP and does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to purchase any security or investment product. Reference to an index does not imply that the firm will achieve returns, volatility, or other results similar to the index.


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Letter to Investors – Mar’24 – Extracts



    • Trailing twelve months’ earnings of underlying portfolio companies grew by 45%.
    • FY24 NAV grew by 29.2% with 74% funds invested in equity positions. Balance 26% is parked in liquid funds.
    • We share takeaways from studying performance of 1000 monkey portfolios.
    • We added to few existing positions, and started a new toehold position. We exited from a minor position at >25% IRR.
    • Impact of elections on stock returns.
    • Stance: Cautious

Dear Fellow Investors,

From Beginner’s Luck to Winner’s Curse?

Consider this: If 1000 monkeys had constructed portfolios of Indian stocks in the calendar year 2021, how many of those 1000 portfolios would have beaten the BSE 500 index after 3 years?

The surprising answer: ALMOST ALL OF THEM (997 of 1000).

No, these aren’t specially gifted/ trained primates; they’re random monkeys with random portfolios. We conducted a simulation with 1000 random portfolios. Each portfolio picked 100 equal weighted stocks at random from the BSE 500 universe in calendar year 2021. To remove starting period bias, we excluded period from May 2020 to December 2020 (marked by a sharp recovery from Covid-19 lows). Additionally, we assumed that stocks were added on a monthly basis throughout calendar year 2021. Then, on March 31, 2024, we compared the performance of these 1000 portfolios with that of the BSE 500 index, assuming a similar monthly purchases of the index. Remarkably, almost all monkey portfolios outperformed BSE 500’s 15% annualised returns from 2021 to March 2024, recording a median return of 22% p.a.

The secret behind this superlative performance lies in the starting point and market’s direction during the study period. Stocks have been on a relentless ascent since Covid-19 lows in May 2020. Many small and midcap BSE 500 stocks with less than 1% weight in the index have surged 3x to 12x. An equally weighted portfolio of random 100 stocks would allocate 1% weight to these stocks. Just a few such stocks are sufficient to improve the portfolio performance materially. Moreover, hardly any stock experienced significant declines to drag down the overall performance. If these portfolios were allowed to include micro caps, IPOs and SME IPO stocks (currently excluded) or reduce the number of stocks from 100 to say 50 or even 30, their performance would have risen further (100% outperformance; over 22% median return).

This outcome – call it beginner’s luck – mirrors the experience of many new investors who entered equity markets post Covid-19. Consistently beating the index is challenging even for seasoned investors. So, after outperforming the index over 3 years, many novice investors may start to believe that they possess a Midas touch for stock picking. However, in reality, the past 3 years’ success is largely attributable to luck. Worryingly, nothing sets up someone for financial and/or emotional ruin more than luck mistaken as skill and/ or an imprudent approach rewarded handsomely. Emboldened by their riches, many investors will raise their bets (trade in options, dabble in stocks of questionable companies etc.) precisely at the wrong time, and fall victim to the winner’s curse.

We also conducted a reality check: we made those 1000 monkeys repeat the same exercise in calendar year 2018. How many of them would have beaten the BSE 500 by June 2020? Only 200 out of 1000, with a median return of -6%. The reason? The markets were in decline from 2018 to June 2020.

Liquidity can propel stock prices to any level in the short term. However, fundamentals and valuations ultimately serve as anchors. Until then, ironically, a thoughtful investing approach may seem foolish, while a foolish investing approach may appear thoughtful. It’s therefore difficult to correctly evaluate performance in a uni-directionally rising market. The true test of investment skill lies in a falling market. Correct evaluation period should encompass a full market cycle, not just one phase as is the case with last three years. A full cycle is when margins and multiples both mean revert. A strong performance across full cycle results from being mindful of risks in a rising market and maintaining the price and quality discipline consistently.




A1. Statutory PMS Performance Disclosure

Portfolio FY24 FY23  FY22 FY 21  FY 20* Since Inception* Outper-formance Cash Bal.
CED Long Term Focused Value (PMS) 29.2% -4.3% 14.9% 48.5% -9.5% 14.8% 26.1%
S&P BSE 500 TRI (includes dividends) 40.2% -0.9% 22.3% 78.6% -23.4% 19.7% -4.9% NIL
*From Jul 24, 2019; Since inception performance is annualised; Note: As required by SEBI, the returns are calculated on time weighted average (NAV) basis. The returns are NET OF ALL EXPENSES AND FEES. The returns pertain to ENTIRE portfolio of our one and only strategy. Individual investor returns may vary from above owing to different investment dates. Annual returns are audited but not verified by SEBI. W.e.f. April 01, 2023 SEBI requires use of any one from Nifty50, BSE500 or MSEI SX40 as a benchmark. We have chosen BSE500 as our benchmark as it best captures our multi-cap stance.


Discipline or Delusion?

Our commitment to ‘protection first, returns later’ remains the guiding light behind our investment decision. This means we aim to acquire assets at prices below their conservatively assessed values. However, in today’s market, this criterion is often not met. As a result, our prudent course of action remains one of patience and continued study.

We understand the frustration that comes with our cautious approach, especially as it has led to underperformance compared to broader market indices like the BSE 500, which have surged due to rally in midcap and smallcap stocks. It is useful to question whether our stance reflects discipline or delusion, particularly when markets continue to rise, defying any caution.

While short-term market movements can be unpredictable, they cannot defy the fundamental principles of valuation. The mathematics of valuations dictate that the present value of future free cash flows, not current prices, should serve as the anchor for asset prices. Just as trees cannot grow infinitely towards the sky, stock prices cannot indefinitely surpass their intrinsic values. Eventually, the gravity of fundamental factors realigns stock prices with their true worth.

It’s crucial to recognise that enduring the disciplinary pain during lofty markets is precisely what safeguards and fortifies longer term investment returns. Investing is a marathon and tallying scores after every lap is of no use if we fail to complete the marathon. Stance: Cautious.


A2. Underlying business performance


Past Twelve Months Earnings per unit (EPU)2 FY 2024 EPU (expected)
Dec 2023 8.01 7.5-8.53
Sep 2023 (Previous Quarter) 8.6 8.0-9.03
Dec 2022 (Previous Year) 5.5
Annual Change 45%
CAGR since inception (Jun 2019) 12%
1 Last four quarters ending Dec 2023. Results of Mar quarter are declared by May only. 2 EPU = Total normalised earnings accruing to the aggregate portfolio divided by units outstanding. 3 Please note: the forward earnings per unit (EPU) are conservative estimates of our expectation of future earnings of underlying companies. In past we have been wrong – often by wide margin – in our estimates and there is a risk that we are wrong about the forward EPU reported to you above. 


Trailing Earnings: Trailing twelve months Earnings Per Unit (EPU) of underlying companies, grew by 45% (including effects of cash equivalents that earn ~6% post tax currently).

1-Yr Forward Earnings: We downgrade the expected earnings per share range for FY24 from 8.0-9.0 to 7.5-8.5. This is because we exited from two positions where the earnings were at cyclical high and lifted base period’s earnings.


A3. Underlying portfolio parameters


Mar 2024 Trailing P/E Forward P/E Portfolio RoIC Portfolio Turnover1
CED LTFV (PMS) 23.8x 22.5x-25.5x 30.0%3 8.4%
BSE 500 26.0x2 16.2%2 3.4%2
1 ‘sale of equity shares’ divided by ‘average portfolio value’ during the year to date period. 2Source: BSE. 3Portfolio Return on Invested Capital (RoIC) is on core equity positions.




Music Broadcast (Radio City): You will remember we had initiated an arbitrage position in equity and preference shares of Music Broadcast (aka Radio City) some time ago. From -30% this position broke-even last quarter. We had guided that we will sell the equity end of the position soon. We failed to sell the 2.3% Music Broadcast equity position in time. Music Broadcast equity share price went up by 50% i.e. from 16 to 24 last quarter. We sold just 10% of the position at that price. The price is down to 18. At this price our combined yield to maturity of equity and preference shares is at 7%. We are waiting for government’s decision on TRAI’s recommendations involving lowering of radio license fee and allowing news broadcast for 10min/hour on FM radio. These if accepted, shall support the stock. Nonetheless, it was a mistake to not sell at 24.



Bought: We further added to a major position in all accounts to take it from 5% to 9% of the portfolio. Since Oct’23, we have increased its weight from 3% to 9% We also added to two other positions in underweight accounts. We also initiated a toe hold position in a new stock. Including this, we now have 4 toehold positions, not scaled up yet. See these long tail of small positions as experiments, where we have cleared off the red flags, but are either waiting for more confidence in our ability to see their future or better price. They say, we should try to position ourselves to get lucky. This is one of the ways. We will either scale them up and share detailed rationale or in absence, exit them fully.

Sold: We fully exited from one minor position giving an internal rate of return (IRR) over 25% p.a.



Smallcap’s Abhimanyu Moment?

Smallcap mutual fund schemes invest atleast 65% of their funds in companies ranking below 250 by market capitalisation (smallcaps). Most of these companies have low liquidity. Unprecedented flows have led to one way rise in smallcaps creating an illusion of safe asset class with high returns. Entering into smallcaps may have been the easy part for retail investors. Will they be able to timely exit during the next crisis or will they get stuck like Mahabharat’s Abhimanyu ?

As per latest liquidity stress test, top 5 smallcap mutual funds schemes (70% share) will take 22-60 days to liquidate 50% of their smallcap schemes. This is after assuming that liquidity will be 3x of last 90 days average daily trading volume.

This may be an optimistic assumption and therefore an optimistic timeline. The liquidity present in a buoyant market like current one, can vanish during a crash when everyone including mutual funds and other alternative investment vehicles like PMS & AIF look to exit at the same time. Circuit breakers of 10%/ 5%/ 2% will further scare away buyers. The Franklin debt fiasco of 2020 reminds us that when everyone wants to exit no one can exit. A part of smallcap schemes is parked in largecaps and we think that they will be sold first in the event of redemptions from smallcap schemes. Exit in smallcaps may lead to pressure on largecaps too even if they are not as frothy. Everything is connected to everything else!



Investing during elections

Government policies and regulations have a material impact on business growth and profitability. Research has shown that business/ capitalism friendly policies add to general national prosperity. Take for instance the 1991 Economic Liberalisation in India. That single decision has altered the trajectory of wealth creation by Indian businesses. Respect for trade, commerce, enterprise and property rights has been a common source of wealth creation across multiple countries including Switzerland, Singapore, America, Japan, and to a limited extent, even China.

It is not surprising that Indian markets are cheering the expectation of the Modi government’s relection in the forthcoming elections. Over last 10 years, the Modi government has spearheaded many notable reforms including GST, reduction of corporate income taxes, speeding up infrastructure spends, fostering digitalisation through JAM – Jandhan, Aadhar and Mobile – trinity and promoting Make in India to name a few.

While the impact of policies on business growth is clear, the near term impact on the markets is less so. Two key challenges are (a) double counting and (b) impact of other factors:

Often, expected election outcomes already get baked into prices. Expecting a further rise when markets have already risen can be a double counting error.

Also, politics is not the only factor that affects markets. Global interest rates (falling interest rates since 2008 to 2022), global economic cycle (Chinese commodity boom in 2003-2007), geo political issues (Kargil war, 9/11, Ukraine-Russia war), technological changes (internet in 2010s and AI currently), demographics etc. all can have multiplicative or countervailing effect on markets.

Here are few examples of how correlation between elections and stock market is messy:

After rising 3x post Economic Liberalisation of July 1991, (partly due to the Harshad Mehta scam), the BSE Sensex remained flat for next 11 years even as the benefits of Liberalisation continued. There were the Asian crisis, Pokhran nuclear test (leading to global sanctions), and the Kargil War all in between.

In the 2004 elections, there were high expectations of the BJP-led government’s re-election under Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee. We all remember the optimistic “India Shining” campaign. Contrary to expectations, the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) won, initially leading to a 14% drop in the Nifty Index over the month following the election. However, the market was up 24% next year due to the Chinese commodity boom.

Or, take the 2009 elections, when Sensex was up 81% for the full year on re-election of The UPA’s government with a stronger coalition. How much of this was due to UPA re-election and how much a recovery from steep fall the previous year due to the Global Financial Crisis, is difficult to segregate.

In summary, it is not very easy to pinpoint election outcome’s exact and solitary impact on stock markets both in near term and longer term. This is because not only do prices bake in expectations, but there are other factors at play too.

Our approach is taking election outcomes as one of the many inputs into assessment of a company’s economic worth and comparing that worth with prices. Election outcomes stack lower than many other more important inputs like size of opportunity, competitive advantage, management quality etc in the pecking order. While there may be some businesses that directly benefit from who is in the power (infra, mining, defence, capital goods etc), economic cadence of businesses that we like (not many in the above list) are not materially affected by who’s in charge of the country so long as capitalism and free enterprise flourish.


As always, gratitude for your trust and patience. Kindly do share your thoughts, if any. Your feedback helps us improve our services to you!


Kind regards,

Team Compound Everyday Capital

Sumit Sarda, Surbhi Kabra Sarda, Punit Patni, Arpit Parmar, Sanjana Sukhtankar and Anand Parashar


Disclaimer: Compound Everyday Capital Management LLP is SEBI registered Portfolio Manager with registration number INP 000006633. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. All information provided herein is for informational purposes only and should not be deemed as a recommendation to buy or sell securities. This transmission is confidential and may not be redistributed without the express written consent of Compound Everyday Capital Management LLP and does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to purchase any security or investment product. Reference to an index does not imply that the firm will achieve returns, volatility, or other results similar to the index.


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