Curated portfolios

Compound Everyday Capital’s Investment Adviser division offers two fee based curated portfolios:

1. Sustainable Compounders

Strategy: A portfolio of reasonably priced good quality equity shares and liquid ETF for sustainable returns

Description: The mandate of Sustainable Compounders is to generate sustainable returns by buying GOOD businesses at REASONABLE PRICES. By good businesses we mean sustainable businesses with competitive advantages and long runway, run by fair and efficient management. Most of the time such businesses don’t come cheap. However some times, owing to ignorance, dislike, temporary hardships, human biases or institutional reasons, prices get reasonable. Since we operate with only those businesses which we honestly understand, we are many times able to pick these mispricings. In absence of compelling opportunities the smallcase temporarily parks money in Liquid ETFs.

Fund Manager: Surbhi Sarda, CA

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2. Multi Asset Smart ETF

Strategy: Smart portfolio of multi-asset ETFs for earning market returns at low volatility and cost.

Description:  Mutli Asset Smart ETF is a smart passive smallcase that will hold ETFs based on multiple assets – Indian equities, global equities, gold, debt, liquid funds etc. The smallcase will combine assets that have low or negative correlation with each other so that portfolio volatility is reduced. For example, gold is inversely correlated to equities. When equities fall, it is seen that gold remains stable or rises. Unlike a dumb passive strategy that buys all underlying assets irrespective of valuations, this is a smart passive strategy. The mutual weights of various multi asset ETFs will be dynamically balanced based on past returns, and future outlook so that an investor doesnot own high proportion of overvalued asset classes at any point in time.

Fund Manager: Surbhi Sarda, CA

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Statutory Information

Compound Everyday Capital Management LLP

Registration No: INA000017198 (Non-Individual), perpetual unless withdrawn or cancelled

CIN – AAM-4846

Complete Address: “Sakar Bhawan” 2nd Floor, 21/4 Ratlam Kothi Main Road, Indore (M.P.) – 452001

Principal Officer: Surbhi Sarda, CA, +917312510070,

Corresponding SEBI regional office: 104-105, Satguru Parinay, Opposite C-21 Mall, A.B. Road, Indore (M.P.) – 452010,

Disclaimer: Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related documents carefully before investing. Registration granted by SEBI, membership of BASL and certification from NISM in no way guarantee performance or provide any assurance of returns to investors.